18.5 MySQL在哪儿存储临时文件
18.4 如何从一个文本文件运行SQL命令
一般地,mysql客户被交互性地使用,象这样: shell> mysql database 然而,也可以把你的SQL命令...
18.2.10 Table ’xxx’ doesn’t exist错误
如果你得到错误Table ’xxx’ doesn’t exist或Can’t find file: ’xxx’ (errno: 2),这意味着在当前数...
18.2.9 Ignoring user错误
如果你得到下列错误: Found wrong password for user: ’some_user@some_host’; Ignoring user 这意...
18.2.6 Packet too large错误
当一个MySQL客户或mysqld服务器得到一个比max_allowed_packet个字节长的包,它发出一个Packet too l...
18.2.4 Too many connections错误
如果在你试土连接MySQL时,你得到错误Too many connections,这意味着已经有max_connections个客户...
18.2.3 Host ’…’ is blocked错误
如果你得到象这样的一个错误: Host ’hostname’ is blocked because of many connection errors. Un...
18.2.2 Can’t connect to [local] MySQL server错误
18.2.1 MySQL server has gone away错误
对MySQL server has gone away错误最常见的原因是服务器超时了并且关闭了连接。缺省地,如果没有事...
Warning: Use of undefined constant site_pagination - assumed 'site_pagination' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/wwwroot/xinjiapofuwuqi.com/wp-content/themes/fobhost/category-jishuzhichi.php on line 110